Monday, January 23, 2012

Realizing truth

Its really great when I sit back all emotions aside and really see why I have been feeling a certain way about a person or situation. And most of the time the only problem is me. Its me, How I see it, or how I translate it. In reality its nothing to concern my self with. I over think and draw way to much out of something that's really nothing. I cant apologize for being who I am. Because I'm glad I have a sensitive soul. But I can say I'm happy when I see things for what they are, and Im relieved to be wrong sometimes.
I defiantly know I'm not perfect. I know I could do so much better in my life but its hard some times to get motivated when it feels like everything is so far away. I just have to say I feel like a real asshole right now for thinking some thoughts about a person that has never been anything but nice to me. It was only my jealousy that made me find things wrong. Jealousy where I had not place to be or feel. I'm happy I did keep my feeling in but still I feel gross that I let my self feel like that. Its nice to take a good look as yourself sometimes and just say HEY SNAP THE F OUT OF IT! Be thankful for your life and what you have. Life doesn't always go the road you want it to. Maybe thats because it was not supposed to. Maybe what I though was best for me, would have made me ubber unhappy. It probable would have. Because the thing is what we want and what we see... is not really reality. Make the life you have good and stop wishing for another life.

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