Toddlers (18 months - 2 years)
1. Wiping baseboards with duster or dry rag
2. Taking laundry to appropriate room — tell them where the items go and see whether or not they remember after the first few times you do this chore with them.
3. Matching socks — also a good skill for teaching concepts of "same" and "different"
4. Bringing safe, unbreakable dishes in from table, clearing table
5. Putting safe, unbreakable items on table (napkins, cups)
6. Picking up toys — they may not want to, but they can
7. Putting stuffed animals on bed in the morning
8. Pushing laundry basket to appropriate room
9. Putting trash in wastebasket
10. Putting clothes in hamper
11. Handing adult an item from grocery bag
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