Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shut up... Beans are good! I like my goodies!

So I was laying in bed last night crying to my sister about how homesick I am and how all I wanted was a bean and cheese burrito form Taco Bell. I cry cry cryed with my lonely heart thinkin, if there's nothin missing in my life then why do these tears come at night. haha sorry I went off on a Britney song! MY BAD!

So anyway back on subject my genius sister tells me " why don't you order the food you miss online from Albertsons and ill pick it up and mail it to ya" WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY My prayers are answered I was so happy I could barely sleep a wink. I couldn't wait till this morning! When I woke up I had my computer on and the list was being made! So today at 2pm usa time Melissa will pick my yumm yumms! Happy me!

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