Sunday, May 23, 2010

Im now 36 weeks!! So only 25 days left to go!!!

I cant wait for he to be out now, I wouldn't mind if she can right now the waiting is making me crazy. I go pee every 30 min a night so i really don't sleep well at all turning over is like a mission at this point and I'm not even that big. I'm still considering myself lucky that I don't have some of the really terrible pregnancy symptoms, but Its still really not the most comfy time in my life I must say. I'm really bummed about the stretch marks I have now got. They are ugly and I know they will never go away, so good bye chance of ever having a nice looking stomach ever again. But I got a baby right? some day's that makes me feel better and other days it makes me really sad and I could care less that I'm gonna have a baby. I think it will all be good in the end. Hope so!

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