Friday, April 27, 2012

Probably my last heart on sleeve post.

If you think bad about me or you don't like me. Seriously Get out of my life. I have been going through enough, I don't need anymore. The people that's stand by me always have and always will. I'm not gonna say sorry when I didn't do anything wrong. I'm stick and tired if people trying to find a reason to put the blame on me. No!! It's your fault all yours and I'm not even gonna try to fix this. I shouldn't have too... and the people that think I should, can leave me alone. I don't wanna hurt anymore. I have always said sorry even when im not wrong and I'm DONE! Im at a point in my life where I am not gonna take bullshit anymore. So go ahead and form your fucked up opinions on me and talk all the shit you want! I'm done.

I have always said I'm and open book, but at this point the book is closed. My post will now longer leave me venerable for people to attack me. The people that really care about me are the people that will know what's going on in my life.

P.s. I know some of you are gonna read this and go around spreading your gossip! Have at it, have fun hope it makes your day. Pretty sad your life is that boring.

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