I know I do it... but why do I do it??? I feel sometimes like facebook email and even this is just over exposing myself. I have always been a open book, and I wear my hear on my sleeve, but when is it to much??? I guess the need to update my status and tell everyone my feelings and mood is starting to get to me. I know its simple, just stop posting about myself... but then I feel like I'm hiding something in a way. I love that I have always been open and honest but the putting my life on broadcast for the small little world I live in is starting to itch at me. I think I need to take a media vacation. Its not everyone's business what I'm doing, what I have been thinking or even what my baby looks like. So I think I'm going off the grid for a while. At first I made this blog so family and friends that I cant talk to everyday could see and hear what I have been up to over here in Sweden. Ill still updated for that reason but as for other people if you wanna know something about me you should pick up the phone and call me as a friend and make plans to catch up. I want my private life back. Again Ill prob still post on here but some things Ill keep to myself. Peace out.
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